“It all starts with love and art is the universal language to spread that love.”

Carpe Diem!

Sometimes when you love something so intently you hold it close … too close … to protect, defend, savor, shelter or selfishly keep the personal connection to it all to yourself. But, sometimes you find there is a deeper blessing and abounding love when you ALLOW that LOVE TO GROW outside the box in which you keep it. For so many years (decades really), I kept the art that was flowing in my soul deeply rooted in my internal imagination and only allowed glimpses of it at the surface for now trivial reasons I realize.

The love found and creation of art helps heal me from the inside out … it’s always been there hovering in the background like an old friend holding my hand waiting for me to truly wake up. I have been gifted a second chance and an opportunity to express my artistic voice for the first time without fear or guilt of time wasted to pursue it.

Instead, I now have this drive to connect with others authentically through it. When I was faced with my life passing by in the glare of headlights in 2019, it changed me in ways I had no idea needed changing. It redirected and woke me up. It called me to SEIZE the day, even if I had no idea where it would be going. It called me to do what I love and work hard to bring it to fruition. By listening to that call, I can model courage to start anew, make it count and how to truly listen for God’s will to my three children. I’m also truly thankful that I have had the unwavering support of my husband while on this journey. I am blessed beyond measure and hope to be a blessing in return.

Art, in its many forms, is a universal language that can speak to the soul of any being that allows its power to transcend them. It is a way of authentic unspoken connection like no other. It does not push to be heard, felt, driven or manipulated. It is simply and patiently waiting to be received with the beauty, intent, understanding or emotion brought by the viewer. The connection that is made through art is unique and authentic all its own and THAT is its power.

My goal in this work is to capture the light in every season and landscape …

because God’s Light brings truth, grace, freedom and clarity

in every season and in every landscape of life.

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

John 8:12 NLT John 8:12

Thank you for joining me here today …

wherever you are, whoever you are,

Welcome to Kristi Jensen Art!

In His Love,,
